Bouquet of Flowers in a Glass Vase


Vibrant colours and texture presents itself beautifully in this professionally printed artwork.

33 editions in A3 size only

This is my version of the 17th century painting by the same name, painted by Dutch painter Ambrosius Bosschaert. I saw this work multiple times in 2024 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and was drawn to the lines, colours and composition. I had to do this in my style (along with one more still life at the same gallery).

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Vibrant colours and texture presents itself beautifully in this professionally printed artwork.

33 editions in A3 size only

This is my version of the 17th century painting by the same name, painted by Dutch painter Ambrosius Bosschaert. I saw this work multiple times in 2024 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and was drawn to the lines, colours and composition. I had to do this in my style (along with one more still life at the same gallery).

Vibrant colours and texture presents itself beautifully in this professionally printed artwork.

33 editions in A3 size only

This is my version of the 17th century painting by the same name, painted by Dutch painter Ambrosius Bosschaert. I saw this work multiple times in 2024 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and was drawn to the lines, colours and composition. I had to do this in my style (along with one more still life at the same gallery).